Tuesday, October 15, 2013

1. i think i did good with the picture with the tree and the sky
2.the picture had to be very simple of what went on in it
3.yes it is clear the picture is simple with the sky in the background and the tree in front

1. i real like i followed the rule well with the line in both pictures
2.the subject is line so i took a picture on the roof by the caftieria and the other one is by the gym next to the door
3. yes they can see the lines and tell that the picture has lines
4.i think i did a good job with this pic

Avoiding Mergers
1.i don't think i did very good because they where walking and i could not get a good shot 
2.the subject is to make people half cut out of the picture 
3.i don't think you can tell that he is cut out 
4.i would have change the whole picture to just one person  cut out 

1. i think i did pretty bad because he was not in a frame 
2. the subject is to make a person in a frame 
3.no i don't think its clear because you don't know what the pic is 
4. i would have change the background 

1. i think i did well because the pic is balance with the field
2. the subject is to make the picture balance
3. yea i think so because the picture is balance with the field
4. i would have like for the people to be out of the photo

the rule of third