Friday, January 31, 2014

photoshop instructions

1.adobe bridge adobe camara raw and photoshop
2.photographers web designer video 3d artist medical imaging
3.adobe bridge is to keep and orrganize all of your photos rate images
4.the crop tool allows you to crop out parts you don't want in the photo
5.the lasso tool allows you to select objects or parts of the image
6.the text toll prints text undo you hit command-z
8.go to the window, history and click on the step you like to revert
9.go to image and select image rotation click on the no smocking circle to take off crop
11.tell photoshop what to dimension to change the photo to form a certain ratio
12.newsletters and newspapers are likely to require resolutions in the range of 150 per inch
13.magazines should have at least 250 ppl

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